DeepSend is a new blockchain privacy technology by DeepOnion.
DeepSend ofers payments without a trace of evidence between the buyer and the seller. DeepSend operates without cryptographic encryption, and no mixing pools are involved. Instead, a 2-of-3 multi-sig address will be used to perform the untraceable transaction.
How DeepSend works?
All of the DeepOnion wallet communications are sent through the anonymous Tor network to protect the identity of the users. The DeepOnion wallet never leaked a single IP address since it was released. When a DeepSend payment is sent, the wallet will randomly select two DeepSend nodes hidden behind the Tor network to process the transaction automatically without human intervention. Each node will make a security deposit as an insurance before the payment is sent and when the payment is successful, the security deposit will be released back to the participating nodes. The details of the payment are not recorded and all traces are erased from the memory once the wallet is closed or if a new DeepSend payment is processed.
DeepSend is built on a decentralized hybrid platform that uses both Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake to secure the network. The complex x13 algorithms used to secure the network did not affect the instant speed of DeepSend transactions and the process does not require any extra computational resources. DeepSend represents one more layer of protection added to the DeepOnion wallet. There are also other dapps and platforms developed by the DeepOnion team such as DeepVault and VoteCentral. The DeepOnion developers are continuously evolving and expanding their offered services.
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Cool article. DeepSend awesome feature.
I have used DeepSend and it works great!! If you are interested in privacy and anonymity where your finances are concerned then DeepOnion is for you.
I am using DeepSend every day in order to verify private/anonymous tx with the DeepOnion wallet using my laptop, and earning $ONION daily. I suggest anyone install DeepOnion wallet and profit by running wallet 24/7 earning via PoS and DeepSend.
I’m looking forward to seeing Deepsend working and more people buying onions.
We need more people using deepsend for their own privacy, ONION the way to go for sure