The Dappcraft Metaverse Studio is a full-cycle production studio creating experiences for metaverses. Focussing primarily on Decentraland, their stack includes: smart-contracts, 3D wearables, 3D scenes, 3D animations, games and events.
The DappCraft team described their philosophy as follows “We believe that virtual metaverses are already changing our world, with the advent of blockchain they are moving to a new level. We want to be a part of these new worlds and put a piece of our soul into them in order to perpetuate ourselves and benefit humanity.”
The Dappcraft core team can be seen below in all their Decentraland greatness

The DC Metaverse Studio team is one of Decentralands top production studios, with a healthy undertaking of recent projects, the DC studio team has a vast portfolio within the Decentraland Metaverse ranging from wearables & emotes to headquarters and social hubs facilitating both corporate partnerships and retail services.
The DC team is able to write custom smart contracts and integrate these into their experiences allowing for some high quality custom experiences.
Check out the DC Metaverse Studio Showreel

The DC studio were one of the first Decentraland creators to be granted a wearables license, the result can be seen above with the extremely well received Moon Miner collection, a legendary wearable license meaning each wearable NFT has a maximum of 100 copies. The Neurahair was particularly popular, selling out all units within a couple of days!
Take a peek at the stunning set below!

After the success of the Moon Miner collection, The DC Metaverse studio later received another legendary wearables licence, this time they would go on to create the DC Nifty Blocksmith collection.
“We love our DC Nifty Drone & Nifty Diamantex very much because these are the first wearables in Decentraland with animation & dynamic effects.”

The DappCraft team also received a mythic licence for their help in the fashion show 2.0 initiative, which can be seen above worn by Denis, this Mythic wearable goes by the name Meta. At the time of writing the DC team haven’t revealed how they intend to sell/distribute this Wearable.
As the popularity of the Decentraland metaverse grows DappCraft have seen an uptake in their recent corporate partnerships, an example of this would be the AlienWorlds Airdrop.

Here the partnership was intended to drive up interest in the AlienWorlds project in advance to their coming developments (Land Sale & Beta Launch) The DC Metaverse Studio created an AlienWorlds themed experience prompting users to head over to the AlienWorlds website, create a wax wallet & receive a special promotion pack for their efforts! Users were also able to socialize & take part in an AlienWorlds themed arcade shooter where the player could do battle with some of the more popular AlienWorlds creatures. The event was well received & AlienWorlds went on to have a popular beta release taking the Wax platform by storm.

More recently the DC studio created a Headquarters for the Free TON project, a new blockchain platform created by the developers of the Telegram Open Network.
They organized an airdrop to Decentraland’s active users. The token distribution was organized as a lottery mini-game.

The Headquarters consists of the following:
- Branded 3D building
- Screens with branded video presentations
- Link objects: website,social media, ect.
- Advantages and promotion of the product/project
- Partners of the project & or facilitating providers of said project
- Mining mini-game (giveaway,lottery system)

Free TON HQ Party
The DC Metaverse Studio is open to new projects in any or all metaverses, if you would like them to build something for you or your brand don’t hesitate to get in contact with them using the social links below.